We consider ourselves to be much more than your average recruitment partner. Every day we test and review ourselves against our key objective: “How have we gone the extra mile today in proving our commitment to delivering exactly what our clients want?”
Then, every day, we add any new methodologies to our Customer Care Charter and they become a standard part of our service.
So, to understand how important our attention to detail is in our Client Services, you might need to think outside the box, consider the things you don’t get from your average recruiter and you could almost be sure that after 6 years, it will have found its’ way onto our Customer Charter ad is already part of our standard service.
We will listen, understand your requirements and let you know if we can help you.
If we feel we cannot deliver the personnel you need we will tell you, and we hope to recommend an alternative supplier who can deliver.
When we screen our candidates, we will ensure they understand your requirement.
We will test our candidates for their ability to perform in the role – properly.
We will not coach any candidates to “pass the interview”. We offer a 6-month rebate period to give you peace of mind.
When we organise interviews, our candidates turn up. We have a 5-stage process to ensure candidates have every opportunity to opt out in advance.
We handle all of the negotiations on your behalf. With our fixed fee format, we will not try to push the salary offer up in order to increase our fees – they will never change.
Where we operate:
We recruit for partners and clients all over the UK.
Using the latest technology we ensure the right people are put in front of you, whether that is in your office, a hotel lobby or through one of the many online meeting portals.